River Umber
See Also: Thay
Born in the Thaymount’s high glaciers, the River Umber is a steep, swift torrent with many cascades in the first hundred miles of its length. At Nethentir, it spills out from its rapids along the First Escarpment into the placid waters of Lake Umber. From Lake Umber, the river is navigable all the way to the Sea of Dlurg, passing through a broad gap in the Dragonjaw Mountains.
Vessels cannot ascend the Umber past Nethentir, but from the twin towns on the lake, vessels regularly carry Thayan grain, fruit, and timber out to the Sea of Fallen Stars. The Aglarondans at Emmech grudgingly allow Thayan cargo vessels to pass unless Aglarond and Thay are at war, which has not been the case for several years now.